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21st of February 2024

Give Together Luncheon 

KWT Community Fund kicked off 2024 with our inaugural Give Together Luncheon, held on the 21st of February at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

The Luncheon brought together allies from the Philanthropy Community and the First Nations Community to hear about the work that KWT is doing and our role in challenging the processes of grant making. 

We are grateful to Ian Hamm for giving the keynote at our inaugural luncheon and giving everyone who attended much to think about in our over use of terminologies such as 'decolonising', and what this actually means withn our giving spaces. We also heard from Peter Aldenhoven, CEO of Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association and Shantelle Thompson, Founder and CEO of Kiilalaana, both sharing their experiences with philanthropy and the difference a First Nations Fund makes in creating accessibility to grants and grants language. 

An acknowledgement of Toward a Just Society (TJS) was given my Terori Hareko-Avaivilla, General Manager of KWT Community Fund and Jeremy Burke, son of the late John Burke.

John and members of the TJS will remain a strong legacy of how KWT Community Fund came to be. And they demonstrated what legitimate self-deternation looks like by walking with us.


The room was entertained by the soulful talent of Madi Colville-Walker. Madi is an inspiring First Nations musician and the recipient of the Archie Roach Foundation Award for the National Indigenous Music Awards 2023.  We also thank the volunteers who supported with greeting and directing guests at the luncheon. 


To read the full speech by Ian Hamm​

To see the full luncheon program 

To view more images from the event, click video link 

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kWT committee members with guests. From left: Shantelle Thompson, George Kalkias, Deb Walsh, Terori Hareko-Avaivilla, Sherree  Chaudhry, Peter Aldenhoven and Kath Coff.

Top: Ian Hamm, keynote speaker, Middle: Terori and volunteer Maggie  and Peter and Shantelle yarning. 

Women's Wellness Gathering

9th of March 2024, Torquay Victoria

KWT had a busy March with yet another event to bring community women together on Wadawurrung Country, in Torquay Victoria. The sun was out and families arriving for the long weekend at the popular seaside town. Our wellness gathering was aimed at bringing First Nation women, cross-cultural and non-First Nations women together to hold space with wellness, journey with healing and celebrate sistahood. 

Women received a goodie bag on arrival, as well as placing their names in a draw for two door prizes, drawn at the end of our gathering by Aunty Di Kerr. 


The day was packed full of activities, starting with breathwork and grounding, weaving and water ceremony, sista yarning circle lead by Aunty Di, koko ceremony and closing with a sage cleanising. 


We would like to thank our partners and sponsors who made this day possible for women to gather and hold space with wellness.


To watch the video of our day, click on the link

Door Prize Winners, Crystal Harris and Veronika Levchenkovaver

KWT Progress 

June 2021 to December 2022

The KWT Community Fund progress report is a measure of our commitment and passion to ensure that we are working toward changing the language of philanthropy to make access to grants open to all First Nations across Victoria in a way that is culturally safe and culturally appropriate from our applications to our granting. 

October 2023

VALE John Bourke 

The Committee and Management of KWT Community Fund wishes to convey our deep condolences to family and friends of John Bourke. John was part of Toward A Just Society, who was instrumental and a strong ally in the formation and establishment of Koondee Woonga-gat Toor-rong, Victoria's First Nations Led Community fund. The Work that KWT does today honours the legacy and vision shared by John and the members of Toward A Just Society to give back to First Nations communities across Victoria. We are sadden to hear of John Bourke's passing, may he rest peacefully in the dreaming. 

KWT Community Fund Committee and Management 

Image: members of Toward A Just Society, Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership and newly Established KWT Community Fund, 2017

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KWT Launch

Follow this link to learn about KWT launch and our supporters. Thanks to ACF for this news story on KWT.

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Koondee Woonga-gat Toor-rong

c/o Australian Communities Foundation

Level 6, 126 Wellington Parade

East Melbourne

VIC 3002

Copyright Koondee Woonga-gat Toor-rong 2023.  |  Artwork by Terori Hareko-Avaivilla | Site Dev by Kubo Kreative

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